Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

Hi! Today I read Where the Sidewalk Ends. It is filled with funny poems. I love it! Here are my favorite poems..

Oh the thumb-suckers thumb.
May look wrinkled and wet.
And withered and white as the snow,
but the taste of a thumb is the sweetest taste yet
(As only we thumb suckers know).

Can anyone lend me two eighty pound rats?
I want to rid my house of cats.

Inside everybody's nose
There lives a sharp-toothed snail
So if you stick your finger in,
He might bite off your nail.
Stick it farther up inside
And he may bite your ring off.
Stick it all the way and he may
Bite the whole darn thing off.

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose...

I hope you liked my picks... Ha, ha, ha!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pig Sty by Mark Teauge

Hi! Today I read Pig Sty by Mark Teauge. It's about a little boy named Wendel. His mother tells him to clean his room. He goes up stairs to his room and he finds a pig laying on his bed. The pig and Wendel don't mind. Every time he goes in his room he finds a pig. He gets annoied by the pigs because they mess up his stuff. He tells his mother but she doesn't listen. Wendel makes the pigs cleanhis room. They listen. At the end they get along.

The End By the way clean your room!

Pig Sty by Mark Teauge

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin

Hi! Today I read Diary of a Worm. It is a little humorous, well actually worm humorous. It's about a worm that writes in his diary everyday. He writes about the main thing in his day. His best friend is spider. His family is papa worm, mama worm and sister worm. Once he got in trouble for telling his sister that her face looks like her butt. It does kind of...

Do the "worm dance"...

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Mitten by Jan Brett

Hi! Today I read The Mitten by Jan Brett. It's about lots of animals like foxes, rabbits, badgers, and bears. A little boy's grandmother made him a pair of snow white mittens. But the grandmother warned him "if you lose the white mittens in the snow, you'll never be able to find them." But he dropped a mitten in the snow. First a little mole found the lost mitten and snuggled in. Then a hare climbed in, then the hedgehog. After that one animal at a time snuggled in. At last when a big bear nosed himself in a little mouse came in and jumped on his nose. All of a sudden the bear sneezed, "ah choo!" The mitten was stretched out and all the animals fell out. At the end, the little boy found the stretched out mitten. The grandma looked out the window to see if he was safe and if he had both mittens.

The end! Hope you liked the story!