Monday, December 17, 2007

Big, Bad and a Little Bit Scary, by Wade Zahares

Hi! Prepare for your hair to spike and your spine to tingle because I'm going to tell you about a book I read called Big, Bad and Little Bit Scary. Now I'll tell you about my favorite scariest poems.

The first one is:
Always Be Kind to Animals by John Gardner

Always be kind to animals
morning noon and night.
For animals have feelings too
and furthermore they bite!

The second poem is:
Viper by Eve Merriam

Viper, Viper
Spiteful sniper.
Snake in the grass, low down, base.
Smiling, smiling to your face,
virulent, villain, venomous vile,
darting poison with a snaky smile.

The third poem is:
The Panther by Ogden Nash

The panther is like a leopard,
except it hasn't been peppered.
Should you behold a panther crouch,
prepare to say ouch.
Better yet, if called by a panther,
don't anther.

And the last poem for tonight is:
The Porcupine by Karla Kuskin

A porcupine looks somewhat silly
he also is extremely quilly.
And if he shoots a quill at you,
Run fast
or you'll be quilly too.
I would not want a porcupine
to be my loving valentine.

That's all the poems for today. Did you get the panther one? Remember don't anther me.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dear Mrs. Larue, Letters from Obedience school by Mark Teague

Hi! Today I read Dear Mrs. Larue, Letters from Obedience School. It is Written by Mark Teague. My teacher loves Mark Teague. it's about a lady named Mrs. Larue who sends her dog Ike to obedience school. It is an absolute heaven in obedience school but Ike keeps complaining and lying that it is a bad jail. At the end Ike decides he should escape from obedience school. He saying he walks in nowhere land, but he's just really walking on nice streets. At the way, way end, he saves his owner from a truck coming to crash into her while she crosses the street.
I hope you liked the story!

Mrs. Larue+

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fly Guy by Tedd Arnold

Hi! Today I read Fly Guy by Tedd Arnold. It is kind of humorous. the story is about a fly that is free and does not have any owner. He was looking for something tasty and slimy (like vomit and dead fish, gross). All of a sudden, a little boy finds him and remembers that there is a perfect pet show coming up! The boy really wants enter a pet. The boy trapped the fly in a jar and the Fly was really mad becasue he wanted to be free. So he stomped his little fly foot and buzzed all over the place and he said "buzz". the boy said, "Cool!, he knows my name!" The fly was still buzzing in anger. Buzz takes the fly to his parents, they say "Flies can't be pets, they're supposed to be pests!" Buzz says, "But he knows my name!" He releases the fly who flies around and the dad gets the fly swatter. The fly lands on Buzz's nose, and Buzz captures the fly again. The fly starts to like Buzz. So Buzz names the fly, Fly guy and takes him to the Perfect Pet Show. The judges say, "No way, flies can't be pets". With all Fly Guy's might, he flies, does tricks and says Buzz's name. The judges huddle up, and they all agree that Fly guy wins first place AND the smartest pet award!

Did you like the story? I did! Adios!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Ginger Bread Baby by Jan Brett

Hi! Today I read The Ginger Bread Baby by Jan Brett.

It's about a boy named Matti, his mother, his father and a Ginger Bread Baby. The mother pulls out a blue bowl, an old cook book, and cooking equipment. With her son Matti she bakes a ginger bread man. They roll the dough and shape the dough into a ginger bread man. They never forget to put ginger and spices in it. The cook book says the ginger bread man has to bake for 8 minutes. After 5 minutes, Matti can't wait. He opens the oven up and out pops not a ginger bread man, but a Ginger Bread Baby! He runs around all over the place, on the goats, on Matti's father, up a momma pig, a cat, a dog, and he ties two little girls braids into a knot together! The fox and the momma pig almost ate the Ginger Bread Baby, but he was too quick and fast to get eaten. All of a sudden the Ginger Bread Baby smelled a familiar smell. It was a ginger bread house with candy sprinkled all over it! He ran inside the ginger bread house not knowing it was a trap that Matti made. Right when the Ginger Bread Baby ran into the ginger bread house, Matti closed the doors and took him home. At the end of the book the Ginger Bread Baby says

"I'm the little Ginger Bread Baby, lucky as can be, to be living in this house that Matti made for me!"

I hope you like the story, Happy Trails!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein

Hi! I read A light in the attic by Shel Silverstein. I will now tell you 3 poems from the book.

Grandma sent the hammock,
The good Lord sent the breeze,
I'm here to do the swinging-
Now, who's gonna move the trees?

The Sitter
Mrs. McTwitter the baby-sitter,
I think she's a little bit crazy.
She thinks a baby-sitter's supposed
to sit upon the baby.

Prayer of the Selfish Child
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray dear Lord my soul to keep,
And if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my toys to break.
So none of the other kids can use em...

Did you find them funny? I found them funny!
Adios amigos!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Webkinz Newspaper

Hi! today I read the Webkinz Newspaper. Most of you might not know about Webkinz. Webkinz is a computer game, you get a Webkinz password when you buy a Webkinz doll. the password gives you an online game and matching pet to play in the game. It is so fun.

I read Chef Gazpacho has a new recipe and the pet of the month is the Webkinz Chihuahua. There are some new things featured December 5th through the 11th, they're called goo goo berries. Keep your eyes peeled for goo goo berries because if you see one, click on it and it will give your pet a goo goo berry treat to eat. There are also some new online quizzes featured for the month of December. If you go to Hallmark stores, you can find these little stuffed dolls called Webkinz, I have a unicorn without wings. there are pink pegasus' too, but I don't have one of those. You can have more than one pet in your account. Players pick a name and a password that no one else owns.

Thats all for now! Thanks

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Scoopy Squad

Hi! Today I read the kids spot, Scoopy Squad in the Fresno Bee news paper.

The question of the day was:

“What or who is the most important thing to you?” The most important thing to me is my family, my friends and my favorite rock star Hannah Montana.

The joke of the day is:

“How do you communicate to fish?”

And the answer is….

“You drop em a line!”

Get it? Wasn’t that funny?

Bye bye!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Chicken Soup for the Kids Soul by Jack Canfield

Hi! I didn't feel good today so my dad read Chicken Soup for the Kids Soul by Jack Canfield. He read Kelly and the Flying Angel. I didn't like the story that much. It was about a 7 year old girl named Kelly. She went to her uncles house to buy seed and she found a beautiful white, old, shaggy pony. She said it looked lonely. So she bought it from her uncle. She took the pony home and named her Trixie. She loved that pony so much. A couple years later, her mom and dad got divorced. Kelly moved away from Trixie. Kelly went to a new school, new house and a new place. Kelly didn't like it at all. She fell into a ditch while riding her bike and got minor injuries. Kelly really missed her pony. One morning she got out of bed and her legs felt numb. She tried to stand up but she collapsed on the floor. She went to the doctor. The doctor said there was nothing wrong, she was just sad in her mind because she missed her pony. A couple weeks later she got a letter from her dad. It said he was going to giver her, her pony back. She rode the pony and got a remarkable recovery from her legs! Ever since she never got hurt badly again. The end...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Big Cheese

WOW!!! What a reading log. It's better then the ones I would get when I taught 4th grade. Keep up the great work readingace. You wouldn't believe it but I checked out the same Dav Pilkey book today to read to my 'reading ace' at home.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Hallo-Wiener by Dav Pilkey

Hi! I read the Hallo-wiener today. It's about a short long dog called a wiener dog. His name is Oscar and other dogs make fun of him because of his size and his shape. He does not like it one bit. So he goes home from obedient school. All of a sudden Oscar goes in his room and he finds a present on his floor. It says from "Mom to Oscar", he opens the present and finds a hot dog costume topped with mustard. Oscar doesn't want to upset his mother so he wears the silly costume for Halloween. When Oscar goes outside all the other dogs call him "Hallo-wiener". All of a sudden four of the dogs get scared from a monster that pops out of the graveyard, they jump in a nearby pond! Somebody comes, it's Oscar!!! Oscar sees something that no other dog saw; so he tugs and pulls on the black gown of the monster. Oscar reveals that it was just two cats standing on each others shoulders! The cats say "Ahhhhh! We're being attacked by a frankfurter!" So Oscar jumps in the pond with the other dogs and saves them. Ever since that day no dog has ever made fun of Oscar again.
This story teaches you that it doesn't matter if you're short or tall, fat or skinny, it just matters what your actions are. The end!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hannah Montana Nightmare on Hannah Street

Hi! I am reading a book called Hannah Montana Nightmare on Hannah Street.
It's about this famous teenager that is named Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus.

Miley's twin cousin Luann comes to visit around Halloween. Miley thinks Luann is evil. At a Halloween concert Luann ties up Miley (dressed as Hannah) and puts her in the closet. Luann dresses up as Hannah and goes in the limo with Miley's friend Lilly. Then the real Hannah gets untied, goes to the party and looks for Luann. All of a sudden, Luann pops up on stage but Luann is a bad singer!

Miley has a secret that she is Hannah Montana and Luann is going to blow her secret and take the Hannah wig off but Hannah, Lilly and another friend named Oliver shuts the lights on the stage off and pulls Luann behind the curtains before she can take the wig off.

I hope you enjoyed the story!

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids

Hi! I read the Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids. It has lots of fun facts for kids. I will now tell you ten different ways to cure hiccups.
1. Put ice cubes on each side of your mouth or suck on ice cubes.
2. Eat a spoonful of peanut butter, vinegar, or sugar (pick one only or you'll get sick).
3. Eat something spicy like a hot pepper.
4. Drink a glass of water from the wrong side of the glass (wear a bib).
5. Breathe into a paper bag.
6. Pant like a dog (it's weird).
7. Spit on a rock and turn it over.
8. Stick out your tongue while holding your breath for as long as you can.
9. Drink water while your nostrils are pinched and your ears are plugged (get a friend or two to help you).
10. Lie across a chair on your stomach and drink a glass of water.

Next time you have hiccups, remember these tips, I hope you enjoyed them!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sounds like a great book. Please share another poem.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Giant Children by Brod Bagert

Today I read Giant Children. It is a kid-funny poem book. My favorite poems in the book are Stinky Boys, Pretty Ribbon, Chocolate Maniac and Booger Love. I read most of the book to my dad and my dad loved it! Those four poems are classic!

Stinky Boys by Brod Bagert:
I hold my baby brother all powdered sweet and pink.
But when he makes a funny face, his diaper starts to stink!
And that's when I remember the baby brother rule:
Someday he's going to grow up like those stinky boys at school.

I hope you enjoyed the poem!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Welcome to my reading blog!

I'll use this space to share my daily reading with my friends!