Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Webkinz Newspaper

Hi! today I read the Webkinz Newspaper. Most of you might not know about Webkinz. Webkinz is a computer game, you get a Webkinz password when you buy a Webkinz doll. the password gives you an online game and matching pet to play in the game. It is so fun.

I read Chef Gazpacho has a new recipe and the pet of the month is the Webkinz Chihuahua. There are some new things featured December 5th through the 11th, they're called goo goo berries. Keep your eyes peeled for goo goo berries because if you see one, click on it and it will give your pet a goo goo berry treat to eat. There are also some new online quizzes featured for the month of December. If you go to Hallmark stores, you can find these little stuffed dolls called Webkinz, I have a unicorn without wings. there are pink pegasus' too, but I don't have one of those. You can have more than one pet in your account. Players pick a name and a password that no one else owns.

Thats all for now! Thanks

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